This program is for swimmers born in 2015 and 2016 OR swimmers in their first year of competitive born in 2013 and 2014. They are typically new to artistic swimming, or have completed an AquaGO!, Advanced AquaGO! or pre-competitive session. This program is perfect for swimmers who are looking for a full season program and want to be introduced to the competitive side of artistic swimming. This team will attend local meets and 1-2 out of town competitions. Competitions are a fun event with club bonding opportunities, and a great way to expose swimmers to other clubs and routines in the province.
Length: 2x/week from September-May + 1 Thursday/month
Cost: $620 initial fee (Sept, Oct + Admin fee), then $275/month Nov-May. Swimmers must also pay for their annual AAS/CAS membership
IMPORTANT Registration Info: If you are registering for Learn-to-ArtSwim, please select "8-10 Competitive". There is an error in the new RAMP registration system. If it will not let you register your swimmer, email us to confirm your intention to join the program for the season.
Optional Extra Figures
We offer extra training opportunities for swimmers in the Learn to ArtSwim and competitive programs. During this practice, swimmers will work on land to improve their flexibility, strength and land skills, and in the water dedicated to the development of their basics and figure & element skills. Figures are an individual event that each swimmer ages 8-15 must compete in and their mark goes towards their overall team, duet and/or solo score. Families sign up for practices ahead of time and can choose to sign up for the specific dates and times that work for them.
To register for the Learn-to-ArtSwim program, click here.